Saturday, January 31, 2009

Healthy life tips

The most common saying regarding health is “Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy” . Every one of us wants to stay healthy. Healthy does not mean that you should be healthy only in terms of physical health. A healthy person means one who is healthy and strong physically as well as mentally. And to stay healthy or to maintain a healthy life, we need healthy diet too. One who does’t had a healthy diet, may find it very difficult to maintain his health in this fast running world. To stay in competition with this world one need to have a good health. And for good health you need to have a good healthy eating style. But healthy eating style does not necessarily mean a regular boring diet. On the contrary, you can add a great variety in your healthy diet and enjoy its delicious flavor.

Well, there is no secret about healthy eating. The main and basic thing about healthy eating is that you should have a, balance and regulation diet. Also, you need to have some healthy lifestyle in terms of maintaining few useful strategies such as not smoking, minimum level of alcohol consumption, and stress management. One who is very disciplined in his life can make his life healthy ,with minimum efforts. People who are not selfdiciplend may find it very difficult to stay healthy in life. Diciplined life may leads to you a healthy life. Here are the some tips for healthy eating.

Fish meal in your diet.

If you are taking fish in your diet, it can be very beneficial to your health. Typically fish is a ‘must-have’ inclusion in healthy eating tips. Fish meal gives you omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. If you take at least 2 fish meals in a week, it can give you a great health benefits. It can also results lowering high blood pressure, cardiac problems, and lowering cholesterol level.

Fatty acids can not be produced by our body, and these acids are helpful in decreasing cardiac problems, reducing high blood pressure, reducing the risk of arthritis, regulating abnormal heart rhythms, and promoting healthy brain function.

Add varied meat in your Diet.

If you are taking lean red meat in your meal several times a week it can be very beneficial for you. Lean red meat gives you iron and zinc which are very important for staying healthy . If you are a vegetarian, you must have legume or nuts daily in your diet. If you do not have it or its alternatives in your daily diet, it means you are lacking the required supply of iron and zinc. These are the essential minerals that can keep your brain healthy and active.

Add vegetables and fruits in daily diet

Vegetables and fruits are great source of dietary fiber. We need dietary fiber in our daily diet. It helps us not getting constipated. Additionally, it has other health benefits such as lowering cholesterol level, regulating glucose level and reducing the risk of cardiac problems. Remember it as an important ingredient of healthy eating tips.

Avoid eating in heavy volume

This is one of the important healthy eating tips that you probably should not avoid. Different scientific studies confirm that if you take your food in frequent segments rather than having it in bulk at a given time, it promotes healthy metabolism. That means, if you supply low amount of foods in different periods of time in a day, you actually help you metabolic system to function more efficiently. Hence, it lowers the risk of accumulated fat in the body and allows you to stay fat-free and healthy.

Drink plenty amount of water

‘Water is life’ and possibly there is no one on the face of earth who can deny the fact. Every one knows the health benefits of water. This is an essential part of healthy eating tips.

Almost 2/3rds part of our body is made up of water. Our blood contains 83% water, our muscles contain 75% water, our brain consists of 74% water and bone contains 22% water. Literally, the benefits we receive from drinking water are countless. Water is essential to absorb vitamins and nutrients in the blood stream. It also promotes the detoxification process by carrying out the bodily wastages from the body. Apart from that, it helps keep skin glowing and healthy. You should drink 5-6 liters of water daily to keep your system clean and healthy.

Exercise, Exercise and More Exercise

Although not directly belongs to the area of healthy eating tips, but if you wish to maintain a life in a healthy fashion, doing regular exercise has no other alternatives. You need to follow a daily schedule for exercise along with healthy diets to keep yourself fit and steady.

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