Applying excessive oil on hairs causes the hair loss. Yes, this is true because many people are facing the problem of hair loss due to the excessive oiling. The research study that was conducted to study the effect of the oil on hairs gave us the 2 results. It concluded that applying oil in minute amount is good for hairs but applying in excess can reverse its good effect into negative impact. Anything in excess is not good for the health; the same effect is being seen in this case. The usage of the oil must be in controlled limit to get its good impact on the hairs. The type of the oil you are using also affects the hair growth and hair structure. You need to balance the use of the oil as per your hair structure and quality.
Oil is essential nutrient for the hairs for the proper growth. Specifically the oil made from the coconut is noted to be very effective in promoting the natural hair growth process. So, as per the general assumptions oil is good for the hairs. But, this is what later on makes us addicted towards the oil usage. We later on start applying the oil daily on the hairs as it makes look the hairs better. So, it is my advice to all the readers to limit the oil usage. You must never apply the oil in excess as it may damage the hair growth. Numbers of studies have proved that excessive oil usage is not good for the health of the hairs.
When a person starts applying the oil regularly on the hairs then the formation of the oil layer takes place on the every hair. This way the hairs get sticky and the dust particles or any other foreign bodies stick to the hairs. These particles get deposited at the basement of the hairs and start the formation of the dandruff. As a result the hairs loosen their grip from the basement and once you comb them they start falling. Even the nutrient supply to the hairs is being insufficient once they loosen their grip over the scalp. As a result the hairs get weak and they fall leading to the formation of the bald patches. You will not notice the effect of excessive oiling soon, but after the year or two you will directly notice the bald patches.
Various varieties of the oils made from almond, coconut, groundnut, jasmine, etc are available in the market. If you use any of these oils in a limit then they are certainly good to your health. But, if you use them in excess then it is going to damage the hair structure and promote the hair loss. As per the medical standards the usage of the oil is being recommended only once in the two or three days depending on your hairs. If your hairs are very much dry then I would suggest you to use it thrice in a week, but not more than that.
Applying oil on the head is good for the health. For this you need to follow a strict routine. Never apply it in excess otherwise it may damage the health of the hairs. Specifically the hair oil that is sticky does more harm to the hairs as the close the pores in the hairs and disturb the supply of the nutrients to the hairs. This causes thinning of the hairs and later on the hairs break. So, apply the oil on the hairs but in a limit never apply it regularly or on every day because it is causing no good to the hairs.
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